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Houston Polo Club News April 2012

  • Parent Category: POLO CLUBS
  • Uploaded by Allee Messina Houston Polo Club. 8552 Memorial Drive. Houston, TX 77024.
  • Published in Polo Club News
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  The Houston Polo Club

Date: 4/13/12


The Most Beautiful Time of the Year!

If you haven't been to polo yet this Spring, you've been missing the best weather of the year!  Be sure and mark your calendars for this weekend's Malbec Cup.  Enjoy a glass of Argentine's finest, while experiencing the beauty and excitement of Sunday polo. 



St. Regis Houston is offering all HPC members a special rate on the weekend, during polo season!  Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to enjoy the outstanding service and beautiful accommodations of the St. Regis Hotel!

Houston Executive Airport is offering all HPC members a special rate on fuel!  Mention your affiliation with the Club while making your plans and take advantage of the savings!

Member Notes:
Just a reminder that attendance at the Club has grown dramatically and we are utilizing almost every Reserved box in the Grandstand. If you have special guests and would like to arrange for Reserved seating, please contact the club by COB each Friday!

Due to our recent growth, we have created a Member Guest parking lot to the left of the Club office.  This lot is available to all Box Holders and their guests during Sunday games.  The shuttle will pick up and drop off just outside the lot, for quick transport across the field.

Many thanks to Wilderness Farm & Ranch for providing our Sunday shuttles!

Don't Forget

   • On questionable weather days, log onto the HPC website and click "Weather Update" under the "Club" tab, for a real-time update!
   • Please be aware that no outside beverages are allowed at HPC on Sundays.  Ruth's Chris will provide concessions on the member grandstand side and Berryhill Baja Grill will provide concessions in the General Admission area, at every game!

   • Due to limited parking space, member guests will be asked to park in the member guest parking lot, which is located to the left of the office.

HPC News

We are excited to welcome Ruth's Chris Steak House as our new concessionaire in the member grandstand area and Berryhill Baja Grill on the Red Oak lawn side of the field!

HPC Notes:
Please remember that no outside food or beverage is allowed at HPC. 

Please be sure and keep your children a safe distance from the polo field, at all times.

Don't miss this year's International Festival, spotlighting Argentina!

 (click on picture to visit website)

For 50% off the Inaugural Eternal Tango Concert at the Hobby Center on April 21st, Click Here:


Enter Code: HIF_Polo

Opening day of the 85th Anniversary year of the Houston Polo Club was picture perfect!


Spring Classic

Chandler Ranch celebrates their victory over San Pedro, 7-6

Mark Prinsloo, Jesse Weaver, Colleen Marks, Kelley Walker, Joe Chandler (not pictured- Hernan Tejera)

USPA Governor's Cup Final/ Van Conover Memorial Trophy

Pegasus dominates No Le Hace, 6-3

Colleen Marks, Tom Gose, Steve Krueger, Drew Luplow, David Andras

                                          Best Playing Pony                                               


Bryan Middleton and his BPP "Ella" 

Most Valuable Player  


                                                                               Drew Ludlow


Make plans to join us this weekend for the Malbec Cup!

Game starts at 5:00pm, Gate opens at 4:00pm.


About Us

Founded in 1928, the Houston Polo Club is the city's oldest sports franchise.  The club is celebrating its 83rd year in Houston.  HPC is committed to cultivating new players and developing the sport of polo in Houston.  Located just minutes from The Galleria and Downtown, the club is situated on 26 beautifully landscaped and wooded acres in the heart of the city.

The Houston Polo Club

8552 Memorial Drive

Houston, Tx 77024
